Saturday, November 27, 2010


This film was very interesting to say the least. It was a little boring because of the lack of dialog and because some of the images they showed went on for too long. I liked some of the images though and it was fascinating to see some of the things a person in america would not see on a normal day-today basis. The part that affected me the most was the chicken factories in one part of Asia. It opened my eyes to the realities that go on in other places that we do not take into consideration when we eat chicken or other livestock. The movie was definitely informative, but quite boring.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Facebook Assignment

Dear Irene,

Your pictures were of great quality and I enjoyed veiwing them very much. They were very interesting and show all the places you have been like Austria and other places I wish to go to. It shows that where ever you go you keep in mind the elements and principles. Keepup the good work!!!!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

American Photography Video Notes

  • small solid camera worth a dollar
  • allowed middle class to take photos
  • moved on from formal portraits
-Picture post cards
  • free postacrd making
  • spead news of peoples families
  • incited photos in newspaper
-National geographic
  • first magazine with pictures
  • increadsed viewers
-Edward Curtis
  • photographed Native Americans
  • staged the photos and dressed them up
  • non-realistic images of thier lives
-Used photograhy to document work efficentcy
-National Labor Committee awareness
-Straight photography- included elements and priciples(realistic)
-WWI photos to increase moral